NCC 2022 Volume Three - Plumbing Code of Australia
Building class 1a Building class 1b Building class 2 Building class 3 Building class 4 Building class 5 Building class 6 Building class 7a Building class 7b Building class 8 Building class 9a Building class 9b Building class 9c Building class 10a Building class 10b Building class 10c


Building class 1a Building class 1b Building class 2 Building class 3 Building class 4 Building class 5 Building class 6 Building class 7a Building class 7b Building class 8 Building class 9a Building class 9b Building class 9c Building class 10a Building class 10b Building class 10c


Part B2 Heated water services

Part B2 Heated water services

VIC B2P3 Velocity2019: BP2.3

Delete subclause B2P3(1) and insert VIC B2P3(1) as follows:

The water velocity in heated water service pipework up to 65 °C must not exceed—

  1. 3 m/s for more than 1% of the time that water is required during the peak hour in non-circulatory heated water systems; and
  2. 1.2 m/s for the flow and 1.0 m/s for the return of a copper circulatory heated water service for more than 1% of the time that water is required during the peak hour; and
  3. 1.0 m/s for the flow and return of a circulatory heated water service using other materials for more than 1% of the time that the water is required during the peak hour.

VIC B2P4 Access and isolation2019: BP2.3

Delete subclause B2P4(1) and insert VIC B2P4(1) as follows:

(1) Access must be available to the heated water service for maintenance of mechanical components and operational controls.

VIC B2P7 Energy use and source2019: BP2.6

Insert VIC subclause B2P7(3) in clause B2P7 as follows:

(3) A solar water heater system installed in a new Class 1 building to comply with Part 2.6 and Part 3.12 of NCC 2019 Volume Two must comply with the Plumbing Regulations 2018.

VIC B2D2 Water heater in a heated water supply system2019: B2.2

Insert VIC subclause B2D2(5) in clause B2D2 as follows:

(5) A solar water heater system installed in a new Class 1 building to comply with Part 2.6 and Part 3.12 of NCC 2019 Volume Two must comply with the Plumbing Regulations 2018.

VIC B2D5 Maximum delivery temperature2019: B2.5

Delete clause B2D5 and insert VIC B2D5 as follows:

The delivery temperature of heated water at the outlet of each sanitary fixture must be—

  1. not more than 45 °C in any—
    1. residential part of an aged care building; or
    2. patient care area in a health-care building; or
    3. part of an early childhood centre, or primary or secondary school, that is used by children; or
    4. designated accessible facility in a common area of a Class 2 building, or in any part of a Class 3, Class 5, Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9a, 9b, 9c or Class 10 building; or
  2. not more than 50 °C in all other cases.


B2D5 applies to all heated water installations intended for personal hygiene.


B2D5(b) does not apply to the replacement of a water heater unit in the same location where the original installation did not require a temperature control valve.

Explanatory information

Scenarios covered in B2D5 may include where—

  • a heated water service is installed on the premises for the first time; or
  • the water heater forming part of an existing heated water service is—
    • replaced with a like-for-like water heater; or
    • replaced with a different type of water heater; or
    • relocated, and is reconnected to, some or all of the sanitary fixtures to which it was previously connected; or
  • more than one existing sanitary fixture is replaced with new similar fixtures; or
  • an existing heated water service on the premises is altered or extended to serve additional sanitary fixtures.

Consideration should be given to the intended occupants of a building when commissioning the heated water delivery temperature. For example, if the occupants of a Class 1 building are older adults or young children, a lower temperature than specified in B2D5(b) should be considered.

VIC B2D6 Temperature control devices2019: B2.6

Delete clause B2D6 and insert VIC B2D6 as follows:

(1) A temperature control device used to deliver heated water in accordance with B2D5(a) must be a—

(a) thermostatic mixing valve; or

(b) thermostatically controlled tap.

(2) A temperature control device used to deliver heated water in accordance with B2D5(b) must be a—

  1. thermostatic mixing valve; or
  2. thermostatically controlled tap; or
  3. tempering valve; or
  4. temperature limited water heater.

(3) The required maximum delivery temperature must be achieved in accordance with AS/NZS 3500.4.

(4) Thermostatic mixing valve work must comply with AS 4032.3 Water Supply - Valves for the control of heated water supply temperatures - Part 3: Requirements for field testing, maintenance or replacement of thermostatic mixing valves, tempering valves and end of line temperature control devices.


B2D6 applies to all heated water installations intended for personal hygiene.

Explanatory information

Scenarios covered by B2D6 may include where—

• a heated water service is installed on the premises for the first time; or

• the water heater forming part of an existing heated water service is—

• replaced with a like-for-like water heater; or

• replaced with a different type of water heater; or

• relocated, and is reconnected to, some or all of the sanitary fixtures to which it was previously connected; or

• more than one existing sanitary fixture is replaced with new similar fixtures; or

• an existing heated water service on the premises is altered or extended to serve additional sanitary fixtures.