Australia has a varied climate, leading to different locations around the country having different heating and cooling requirements. To account for these differences the energy efficiency DTS Provisions vary from location to location and for simplicity, locations with approximately similar climates have been combined into eight climate zones.

Our interactive climate zone map allows you to search for climate zone your building is located in. You can search by address, suburb or postcode to find your appropriate climate zone. 

The 'Show LGAs' checkbox allows you to toggle the layer that outlines a purple border around Local Government Areas.

Climate Zone 1
Climate Zone 2
Climate Zone 3
Climate Zone 4
Climate Zone 5
Climate Zone 6
Climate Zone 7
Climate Zone 8
300 km

The following provides a brief description of each NCC climate zone:

  • Climate zone 1 - high humidity summer, warm winter
  • Climate zone 2 - warm humid summer, mild winter
  • Climate zone 3 - hot dry summer, warm winter
  • Climate zone 4 - hot dry summer, cool winter
  • Climate zone 5 - warm temperate
  • Climate zone 6 - mild temperate
  • Climate zone 7 - cool temperate
  • Climate zone 8 - alpine

These eight climate zones are illustrated in the form of a climate zone map which was created using Bureau of Meteorology climatic data with two supplementary zones added to accommodate an additional temperate zone and alpine area. The climate zone boundaries are also aligned with local government areas and are therefore subject to change from time to time.

The ABCB has made the climate zone data files used to create the map available for download at the central source of all Australian open government data. The data is available under a creative commons licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International which means you are free to share and adapt the data in any way including making derivatives or copies of the map.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY). To view a copy of this license, visit the Creative Commons website
