Building Ministers have asked the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) to work with industry and governments to develop guidance that facilitates the increased use of prefabricated and modular construction technologies in Australia that are compliant with the National Construction Code (NCC).  

Building Ministers see prefabricated and modular housing as a potential solution to address Australia’s housing supply shortfall and to support the increase and supply of new housing.

Modern Methods of Construction

Modern Methods of Construction (MMC), including prefabricated and modular building technologies, have the potential to support the delivery of higher quality buildings and increase productivity in the construction sector. These technologies encourage efficient building processes, with greater speed and accuracy to promote an increase in productivity.

MMC refers to a wide variety of construction methods that are different to traditional onsite construction. This includes prefabrication, off-site manufacturing, and modular or volumetric dwellings, as well as new technologies such as 3D printing, robotics, and artificial intelligence.

Relevant resources

The ABCB has produced and updated three handbooks to help practitioners understand and implement Modern Methods of Construction. These handbooks along with the Building Ministers' Meeting: Communique March 2024 are linked below.
