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Canberra ACT 2601

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The information provided by the ABCB is provided for general information purposes only. While we make every effort to ensure that information provided is accurate and up to date, such information does in no way constitute the provision of professional advice. The Commonwealth of Australia (acting on behalf of the Commonwealth of Australia, the State of New South Wales, the State of Queensland, the State of Victoria, the State of South Australia, the State of Tasmania, the State of Western Australia, the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory (ABCB)) does not provide any warranties in relation to the accuracy, currency, reliability or completeness of any information provided by the ABCB. The ABCB accepts no responsibility or liability for any damage, loss, or expense incurred by you or anyone else that arises out of reliance on any information provided by the ABCB. You should make your own independent inquiries, undertake your own due diligence, and obtain your own independent professional advice prior to relying on, or making any decisions in relation to any information provided by the ABCB.
