A Decision Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) incorporates comments and feedback from submissions received on the Consultation RIS. It is also assessed by the Office of Best Practice Regulation to confirm compliance with the requirements of Regulatory impact analysis guide for ministers’ meetings and national standard setting bodies (May 2021). It assists decision-making about adopting a regulatory proposal.

A Decision RIS is only available after decision makers have made a determination on the matter, as it reflects the outcome of the process.

Lead in plumbing products in contact with drinking water

The following documents are available:

Proposal to include minimum accessibility standards

The following documents are available:

Energy efficiency of commercial buildings

The following documents are available:

Inclusion of heating and cooling energy load limits in NatHERS assessments

The following documents are available:

Accessible adult change facilities in public buildings

The following documents are available:

Fire safety in Class 2 and 3 residential buildings

The following documents are available:

Application of temperature control requirements for heated water

The following documents are available:

Assessment of the NCC’s fire hose reel requirements for Class 5 office buildings

The following documents are available:

Fire sprinklers for covered balconies

The following documents are available:

Archived ABCB Decision (Final) RIS' are also available for download from the Resource library.
