The ABCB has 2 primary technical advisory committees, the Building Codes Committee (BCC) and the Plumbing Code Committee (PCC).

The BCC is a national forum for regulatory authorities and industry, to consider technical building regulation reform matters. It plays an active role in assisting the Board, through the Office, in achieving sound technical decision making. The remit of the committee is purely technical and it is not tasked with matters of policy direction. 

The BCC and PCC operate in alignment to ensure a coordinated approach to building and plumbing regulatory reform.

Membership of the BCC includes:

Department of Industry, Science and ResourcesCommonwealth
Department of Customer ServiceNew South Wales
Victorian Building AuthorityVictoria
Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public WorksQueensland
Department of Mines, industry Regulation and SafetyWestern Australia
Planning and Land Use Services, Attorney-General's DepartmentSouth Australia
Consumer, Building and Occupational Services, Department of JusticeTasmania
Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development DirectorateAustralian Capital Territory
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and LogisticsNorthern Territory
Australasian Fire and Emergency Services Authorities Council (AFAC)Industry
Australian Industry Group (Ai Group)Industry
Australian Institute of Architects (AIA)Industry
Australian Institute of Building (AIB)Industry
Australian Institute of Building Surveyors (AIBS)Industry
Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Heating (AIRAH)Industry
Building Designers Association of Australia (BDAA)Industry
Building Products Innovation Council (BPIC)Industry
Consult Australia Industry
CSIRO Technical
Engineers Australia (EA)Industry
Fire Protection Association Australia (FPAA)Industry
Housing Industry Association (HIA)Industry
Master Builders Australia (MBA)Industry
Property Council of Australia (PCA)Industry
Standards AustraliaIndustry
Ministry of Business, Innovation and EmploymentNew Zealand (observer) 
Building Research Association of New Zealand (BRANZ) New Zealand (observer) 
