Displaying 64 - 84 of 92

    Summary and Instructions The NCC was amended out-of-cycle prior to NCC 2022. NCC 2019 Amendment 1 includes:

    Provides guidance to apply the NCC evidence of suitability provisions across all volumes. It includes a framework and decision flow chart to assist in correct use of these provisions.

    07.2021 Handbook

    This updated report presents an order of cost estimate for the proposed changes to the National Construction Code of Australia (NCC) to include mandatory minimum accessible housing provisions for n

    07.2021 Report

    NCC 2022 comes with important changes to its structure and format, as part of the ABCB's commitment to delivering an NCC that is user-friendly and modern.

    NCC 2022 comes with important changes to its structure and format, as part of the ABCB's commitment to delivering an NCC that is user-friendly and modern.

    NCC 2022 comes with important changes to its structure and format, as part of the ABCB's commitment to delivering an NCC that is user-friendly and modern.

    NCC 2022 comes with important changes to its structure and format, as part of the ABCB's commitment to delivering an NCC that is user-friendly and modern.

    This infographic has been developed to prepare stakeholders for the changes coming to the NCC 2022 Public Comment Draft process.

    07.2021 Infographic

    This video discusses if it is suitable to place a basin within the 1.2 m clear space within a sanitary compartment.


    This video discusses where the height of a barrier should be measured from when the barrier is mounted on a plinth.


    This video discusses what the phrase ‘open to the sky’ means, particularly as applied to occupiable outdoor areas.


    This video discusses the fire hazard property requirements for floor coverings in Specification C1.10, and other NCC provisions that alter where a sprinkler system is installed.


    Regulation Impact Statement for decision In November, the ABCB agreed to amend the NCC to require the construction of separate accessible adult change facilities (AACF) in public buildings includin

    This documents provides an overview of the ABCB’s Accessible Housing Project, including the project timelines.

    06.2021 Infographic

    Regulation Impact Statement for decision In November 2018, the ABCB agreed to implement changes to the NCC to improve energy efficiency in commercial buildings.

    This report provides commentary on the cost implications of a range of proposed Deemed-to-Satisfy provisions emanating from the Emergency Egress for all Occupants Project.

    06.2021 Report

    Regulation Impact Statement for decision In November, the ABCB agreed to amend the NCC to require the construction of separate accessible adult change facilities (AACF) in public buildings includin

    Consultation Report This report documents, in summary form, stakeholder feedback on the Accessible Housing Options Paper.

    06.2021 Report

    Report The ABCB commissioned Professor Mark Taylor, Macquarie University, to conduct a literature review of known causes that contribute to brass fittings leaching lead into drinking water.

    06.2021 Report

    Regulation Impact Statement for decision In November 2018, the ABCB agreed to implement changes to the NCC to improve energy efficiency in commercial buildings.

    This document seeks to consider the design changes necessary for additional facilities to provide occupant warning for the deaf and hearing impaired.

    06.2021 Report