Displaying 64 - 84 of 100

    Performance Solution scenario This Performance Solution scenario has been developed to assist building practitioners in formulating a Performance Solution concerning energy efficiency of a Class 5

    07.2021 Case study

    This annex to the ABCB Fire Safety Verification Method (FSVM) handbook includes data sheets to support using the FSVM.

    07.2021 Handbook

    Summary of changes The NCC will be amended out-of-cycle prior to NCC 2019. This document details the clauses affected due to NCC 2016, Volume One Amendment 1.

    Provides guidance to apply the NCC evidence of suitability provisions across all volumes. It includes a framework and decision flow chart to assist in correct use of these provisions.

    07.2021 Handbook

    NCC 2022 comes with important changes to its structure and format, as part of the ABCB's commitment to delivering an NCC that is user-friendly and modern.

    NCC 2022 comes with important changes to its structure and format, as part of the ABCB's commitment to delivering an NCC that is user-friendly and modern.

    NCC 2022 comes with important changes to its structure and format, as part of the ABCB's commitment to delivering an NCC that is user-friendly and modern.

    NCC 2022 comes with important changes to its structure and format, as part of the ABCB's commitment to delivering an NCC that is user-friendly and modern.

    This infographic has been developed to prepare stakeholders for the changes coming to the NCC 2022 Public Comment Draft process.

    07.2021 Infographic

    This video discusses the requirements for providing a compliant group number test certificate.

    For further information please visit our website at https://abcb.gov.au


    This video discusses the fire hazard property requirements for floor coverings in Specification C1.10, and other NCC provisions that alter where a sprinkler system is installed.


    This video discusses whether or not the concession within Open carports can be applied to a patio.


    This video discusses if the concession within C1.5 can be applied when a basement carpark is present.


    FCRC-PR 96-02 (Volume 2) BCA Fire Provisions Restructured

    07.2021 Report

    FCRC TR96-08 Case studies of fires in retail buildings

    07.2021 Report

    Evaluation of fire resistance levels: techniques, data and results.

    07.2021 Report

    Regulation Impact Statement for decision In November 2018, the ABCB agreed to implement changes to the NCC to improve energy efficiency in commercial buildings.

    This Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) assesses the costs and benefits of fire hose reels in new residential buildings, noting the findings of a thesis conducted in 2009 on the value of hose reels

    This report takes into account the particular instructions and requirements of our client.

    06.2021 Report

    Regulation Impact Statement for decision In November 2018, ABCB agreed to amend the Deemed-to-Satisfy (DTS) provisions of the National Construction Code to require fire sprinkler systems in new Cla

    Regulation Impact Statement for decision In November 2018, the ABCB agreed to implement changes to the NCC to improve energy efficiency in commercial buildings.