Specifies requirements for the performance of showers for bathing.
Adoption Date
28 Apr 2005
Expiry Date
1 Jan 2030

Licences evaluated under this specification

Certificate Current Certification Date Current Expiry Date Status
026059 16 Aug 2016 20 Sep 2018 Cancelled
025639 25 Aug 2015 23 Aug 2018 Cancelled
026032 3 Aug 2015 2 Aug 2018 Cancelled
025961 12 Jan 2015 11 Jan 2018 Cancelled
025452 12 Jan 2015 19 Dec 2017 Cancelled
025714 17 Sep 2014 14 Nov 2017 Cancelled
025541 26 Mar 2012 25 Mar 2017 Cancelled
025843 27 Mar 2014 24 Mar 2017 Cancelled
025873 18 Mar 2014 17 Mar 2017 Cancelled
025864 12 Feb 2014 11 Feb 2017 Cancelled
025830 17 Dec 2013 16 Dec 2016 Cancelled
025779 4 Dec 2013 3 Dec 2016 Cancelled
WMKT25438 10 Nov 2011 9 Nov 2016 Cancelled
025438 10 Nov 2011 9 Nov 2016 Cancelled
022244 18 May 2019 17 May 2024 Expired
040110 15 Oct 2018 27 Aug 2023 Expired
023274 21 Dec 2018 20 Dec 2021 Expired
022842 20 Jul 2018 19 Jul 2021 Expired
022834 9 Jul 2018 8 Jul 2021 Expired
022739 6 Feb 2019 16 Jul 2020 Expired