Specifies requirements for the performance of showers for bathing.
Adoption Date
28 Apr 2005
Expiry Date
1 Jan 2030

Licences evaluated under this specification

Certificate Current Certification Date Current Expiry Date Status
021100 31 Jul 2020 31 Jul 2025 Cancelled
026601 15 Jun 2020 14 Jun 2025 Cancelled
025269 25 Jun 2021 1 Jun 2025 Cancelled
022675 7 Feb 2020 6 Feb 2025 Cancelled
023184 2 Oct 2020 15 Dec 2024 Cancelled
025803 20 May 2021 22 Sep 2024 Cancelled
025793 20 Nov 2020 7 Jul 2024 Cancelled
023137 18 Jun 2021 23 May 2024 Cancelled
025777 8 Dec 2022 22 May 2024 Cancelled
023125 18 Jul 2019 21 May 2024 Cancelled
216371 24 May 2019 4 May 2024 Cancelled
023009 3 Jul 2023 22 Apr 2024 Cancelled
022512 9 Feb 2023 9 Apr 2024 Cancelled
026431 31 Jan 2019 30 Jan 2024 Cancelled
026302 19 Dec 2018 18 Dec 2023 Cancelled
040219 1 Mar 2019 21 Nov 2023 Cancelled
025823 30 Nov 2018 3 Sep 2023 Cancelled
026394 22 Aug 2018 21 Aug 2023 Cancelled
026333 18 Sep 2020 30 Jul 2021 Cancelled
026339 4 Jul 2018 3 Jul 2021 Cancelled