CodeMark Certificates of Conformity can only be issued by a Certification Body, for products that need to comply with the National Construction Code (NCC).

If you are considering applying for a Certificate of Conformity, you should contact one of the CodeMark Conformity Bodies listed on the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JASANZ) website. There you can find out what information you need to supply, what fees will be charged, what the process involves and how long the process is likely to take.

More information about the certification process is available here.

Applying to become a Certification Body

Organisations wanting to become a CodeMark Australia Certification Body should apply directly to the (JASANZ). The requirements for accreditation of CodeMark Australia Certification Bodies are set out in the CodeMark Australia Scheme Rules.

To find out how to become an accredited CodeMark Australia Certification Body please contact JASANZ.
