Product certification, CodeMark, is designed to provide confidence and certainty to regulatory authorities and the market through the issue of a Certificate of Conformity. This is one of several options available for meeting the ‘evidence of suitability’ requirements of the National Construction Code (NCC).

Achieving CodeMark Certification can be time consuming and costly, so it is best suited to innovative, higher-risk products where the manufacturer or supplier may find it difficult to satisfy the requirements of the NCC. CodeMark certification is also suited to manufacturers or suppliers seeking to improve their product’s acceptance in the Australian market.

If your product is CodeMark certified, it:

  • proves it meets the evidence of suitability requirements of the BCA 
  • ensures it is capable of performing as intended
  • streamlines the building consent and inspection process
  • gives you a marketing advantage, and
  • is listed on the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JASANZ) register.