NCC 2022 Volume Two - Building Code of Australia Class 1 and 10 buildings
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Part H2 Damp and weatherproofingPart H2 Damp and weatherproofing
This Part focuses on reducing the risk of illness or injury as a result of the effects of moisture on a building, including surface water, weather and waste water discharge. It also includes requirements to prevent waste water discharge from damaging other property adjoining the site.
2019: O2.2
The Objective is to—
Functional Statements
Surface water
2019: F2.2.1
A building including any associated sitework is to be constructed in a way that protects people and other property from the adverse effects of redirected surface water.
Weatherproofing and dampness
2019: F2.2.2
A building is to be constructed to provide resistance to moisture from the outside and moisture rising from the ground.
H2F2 does not apply to a Class 10 building except where its construction contributes to the weatherproofing of the Class 1 building.
Drainage from swimming pools
2019: F2.2.3
Adequate means for the disposal of swimming pool water and drainage is to be provided to a swimming pool.
Performance Requirements
Rainwater management
2019: P2.2.1
H2P1(2) does not apply to a Class 10 building except where its construction contributes to the weatherproofing of the Class 1 building.
2019: P2.2.2
A roof and external wall (including openings around windows and doors) must prevent the penetration of water that could cause—
H2P2(a) does not apply to a Class 10 building except where its construction contributes to the weatherproofing of the Class 1 building.
Rising damp
2019: P2.2.3
NSW H2P3 does not apply to a Class 10 building where in the particular case there is no necessity for compliance.
The intent of requiring the barrier to have a high resistance to damage during construction is to increase the barrier’s ability to resist punctures during construction. By being less susceptible to puncturing, the barrier will provide increased protection against moisture containing dissolved salts from coming into contact with the concrete slab.
Rising damp
Rising damp
Moisture from the ground must be prevented from causing—
H2P3 does not apply to a Class 10 building where in the particular case there is no necessity for compliance.
Drainage from swimming pools
2019: P2.2.4
Drainage from swimming pools
A swimming pool must have adequate means of draining the pool in a manner which will not—
The NCC Volume Two and the ABCB Housing Provisions do not contain any Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions for this Performance Requirement.
Verification Methods
2019: V2.2.1
Risk factor | Category | Risk severity | Score |
Wind region | Region A(0-5) (AS/NZS 1170.2) | Low to medium | 0 |
Region B1-2 (AS/NZS 1170.2) | Low to medium | 0 | |
Region C (AS/NZS 1170.2) | High | 1 | |
Region D (AS/NZS 1170.2) | Very high | 2 | |
Number of storeys | One storey | Low | 0 |
Two storeys in part | Medium | 1 | |
Two storeys | High | 2 | |
More than two storeys | Very high | 4 | |
Roof/wall junctions | Roof-to-wall junctions fully protected | Low | 0 |
Roof-to-wall junctions partially exposed | Medium | 1 | |
Roof-to-wall junctions fully exposed | High | 3 | |
Roof elements finishing within the boundaries formed by the external walls | Very high | 5 | |
Eaves width | Greater than 600 mm for single storey | Low | 0 |
451-600 mm for single storey | Medium | 1 | |
Greater than 600 mm for two storey | Medium | 1 | |
101-450 mm for single storey | High | 2 | |
451-600 mm for two storey | High | 2 | |
Greater than 600 mm for above two storey | High | 2 | |
0-100 mm for single storey | Very high | 5 | |
0-450 mm for two storey | Very high | 5 | |
Less than 600 mm for above two storey | Very high | 5 | |
Envelope complexity | Simple shape with single cladding type | Low | 0 |
Complex shape with no more than two cladding types | Medium | 1 | |
Complex shape with more than two cladding types | High | 3 | |
As for high risk but with fully exposed roof-to-wall junctions | Very high | 6 | |
Decks, porches and balconies | None | Low | 0 |
Timber slat deck or porch at ground level | Low | 0 | |
Fully covered in plan view by roof | Medium | 2 | |
Timber slat deck attached at first or second floor level | Medium | 2 | |
Balcony exposed in plan view at first floor level | High | 4 | |
Balcony cantilevered at first floor level | High | 4 | |
Balcony exposed in plan view at second floor level or above | Very high | 6 | |
Balcony cantilevered at second floor level or above | Very high | 6 |
Stage number | Serviceability wind pressure |
1 | 15% to 30% |
2 | 20% to 40% |
3 | 30% to 60% |
H2V1 contains the same test procedures, compliance criteria and reporting of test results that are contained in F3V1, in NCC Volume One. Consequently the Guide to NCC Volume One contains detailed and supportive explanatory information that is also relevant to H2V1.
Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions
Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions
New for 2022
There are no Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions for H2P4.
Performance RequirementH2P1 is satisfied for drainage if it is designed and constructed in accordance with —
Footings and slabs
2019: 3.2.0
Performance RequirementH2P3 is satisfied for footings and slabs if they are installed in accordance with H1D4(1)(a) or (b).
2019: 3.3.4
Subfloor ventilation
2019: 3.4.1
Performance RequirementH2P3 is satisfied for subfloor ventilation if it is in accordance with Part 6.2 of the ABCB Housing Provisions.
Part 6.2 applies to the subfloor space of all suspended floors of a building or deck, including but not limited to, timber and steel-framed subfloors and suspended concrete slabs.
Roof and wall cladding
2019: 3.5.1-3.5.5
2019: 3.6
Performance RequirementH2P2 is satisfied for weatherproofing for glazing if it is in accordance with H1D8(1).
When satisfying Performance Requirement H2P2, H1D8(1) only references AS 2047 for windows. If AS 1288 is used for glazing in an external wall, it is still necessary to satisfy H2P2.
External waterproofing
The design of occupiable roof-top spaces, decks, balconies, particularly where located over internal spaces of a building, can be susceptible to potential for water ingress into a building and causing damage. Therefore, careful consideration should be given to the design, construction and the materials used to minimise the potential for water ingress to spaces below.
H2D8 prescribes external waterproofing requirements for buildings, and references AS 4654 Parts 1 and 2 that provide solutions for liquid and/or sheet membrane roofing systems on flat roofs, roof terraces, balconies and terraces located over habitable rooms. The term flat roof is commonly used to describe a near flat roof with enough pitch to provide drainage for rainwater.
AS 4654.1 sets out the requirements for materials forming part of a waterproofing system and AS 4654.2 sets out design and construction/installation requirements.
A Performance Solution in accordance with A2G2 would need to be provided for other types of external waterproofing materials and designs.