Displaying 85 - 97 of 97

    This final decision Regulation Impact Statement presents an analysis of proposals to address the risk of floods to new residential buildings in Australia, for the information of stakeholders and to

    This report provides commentary on the cost implications of a range of proposed Deemed-to-Satisfy provisions emanating from the Emergency Egress for all Occupants Project.

    06.2021 Report

    Regulation Impact Statement for decision In November 2018, the ABCB agreed to implement changes to the NCC to improve energy efficiency in commercial buildings.

    Regulation Impact Statement for decision In November 2018, the ABCB agreed to implement changes to the NCC to improve energy efficiency in commercial buildings.

    Regulation Impact Statement for decision In November, the ABCB agreed to amend the NCC to require the construction of separate accessible adult change facilities (AACF) in public buildings includin

    On 20 April 2021 the ABCB hosted a live webinar and Q&A session on the format and structural changes coming to NCC 2022. This FAQ document captures the audience questions and answers.

    The Model Regulatory Powers were developed in response to recommendation 6 of the Building Confidence Report (BCR).

    The Model Terms of Reference: Intra-jurisdictional building regulator coordination committee (the model Terms of Reference) was developed in response to recommendation 5 of the Building Confidence

    04.2021 Report

    NCC 2022 comes with some important changes to its structure and format.


    NCC 2022 comes with some important changes to its structure and format, as part of the ABCB’s commitment to delivering a code that is user-friendly and modern.


    The National Model Code of Conduct for Building Surveyors sets out minimum obligations for registered building surveyors undertaking statutory functions. It covers four areas:

    NCC 2022 comes with important changes to its structure and format, as part of the ABCB's commitment to delivering an NCC that is user-friendly and modern.

    This Standard provides technical design criteria requirements for temporary structures, covering structural safety (particularly determining appropriate wind actions), fire safety (including fire r

    07.2015 Standard