The National Construction Code (NCC) is Australia’s primary set of technical design and construction provisions for buildings. As a performance-based code, it sets the minimum required level for the safety, health, amenity, accessibility and sustainability of certain buildings. 

It primarily applies to the design and construction of new buildings, and plumbing and drainage systems in new and existing buildings. In some cases it may also apply to structures associated with buildings and new building work or new plumbing and drainage work in existing buildings.

The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB), on behalf of the Australian Government and each State and Territory government, produces and maintains the NCC. 


The NCC provides the technical provisions for the design and construction of buildings and other structures, and plumbing and drainage systems.

NCC Volume One focuses on the design and construction of multi-residential, commercial, industrial and public assembly buildings and some associated structures.

NCC Volume Two focuses on the design and construction of smaller scale buildings including houses, small sheds, carports and some associated structures.

NCC Volume Three covers the design, construction and maintenance of plumbing and drainage systems in new and existing buildings.

Each volume contains:

  • Governing Requirements
  • Performance Requirements
  • Compliance options to meet the Performance Requirements, and
  • State and Territory variations and additions.

Legislative arrangements and the NCC

The NCC is given legal effect through State and Territory, or other statutory authority, building and plumbing legislation. These Acts and Regulations set out the legal framework and administration mechanisms for the NCC to support the design and construction of buildings.

The dates of adoption of the NCC are determined by State and Territory building and plumbing administrations.
