For the purposes of the NCC, AS 1324.2:2003 is a current test standard for demonstrating the efficiency of air filters. Further, for a Deemed-to-Satisfy (DTS) Solution, it is the only applicable test standard.

The 15-second summary

Some practitioners and suppliers have asked whether a recent edition of the ABCB handbook ‘Indoor Air Quality Verification Methods’ considers AS 1324.2:2003 outdated as it referred to the standard having ‘legacy’ test methods. The answer is no; AS 1324.2:2003 has contemporary application for Performance Solutions for the verification of indoor air quality.

Further, for a DTS Solution, AS 1324.2:2003 is the only applicable test standard for air filter efficiency.


Volume One of the National Construction Code (NCC) contains Performance Requirements F6P3 and F6P4 that require adequate ventilation for Class 2-9 buildings to achieve indoor air quality that serves the amenity and health of building occupants.

These Performance Requirements can be met by way of a Performance Solution, a DTS Solution, or a combination of both.

Performance Solutions for indoor air quality

F6V1 and F6V2 are Verification Methods in NCC Volume One that are suitable for demonstrating indoor air quality for various uses. The ABCB has published a handbook, ‘Indoor Air Quality Verification Methods’ (the handbook), to support designers and installers in using these Verification Methods. Being a handbook, it is a guidance document that has no regulatory effect.

The handbook describes the use of air filters for the control of indoor air contaminants by way of mechanical ventilation systems designed to meet F6V1 and F6V2. When developing a Performance Solution, the designer of the ventilation system is free to select a suitable test standard for the demonstration of air filter efficiency. To assist designers the handbook lists several test standards, including AS 1324.2:2003, for air filter efficiency testing.

The handbook previously referred to tests within AS 1324.2:2003 as ‘legacy’. In doing so, the handbook was not describing AS 1324.2:2003 itself as a legacy standard (i.e., a standard that is superseded). As reflected in the handbook, AS 1324.2:2003 is suitable for testing the efficiency of air filters for the purpose of developing Performance Solutions.

Deemed-to-Satisfy Solutions for indoor air quality

For a DTS Solution, F6D6 of NCC Volume One specifies AS 1668.2:2012 for the design of mechanical ventilation systems. That standard specifies the use of air filters to contribute to indoor air quality and refers solely to AS 1324.2:2003 for the testing of air filter efficiency. It follows that, for a DTS Solution, AS 1324.2:2003 is the only applicable test standard for the efficiency of air filters.

Indoor Air Quality Verification Methods handbook

At the time of writing (May 2023), the handbook has been updated to provide clarity about contemporary application of AS 1324.2:2003. Access the handbook on the ABCB website.