What are the proposed changes?

We’re proposing changes to NCC Volume One to accommodate hybrid photoluminescent exit signs.

These changes include referencing Standards Australia Technical Specification (SA TS) 5367:2021 Photoluminescent exit signage - Hybrid photoluminescent signage - Product specification, installation, and operation in E4D8(ii) and (iii).

Why are these changes proposed?

A photoluminescent exit sign uses the absorption of light and ultraviolet (UV) rays to re-emit visible light for a period after the main light source has been removed. 

Since 2014, the NCC Deemed-to-Satisfy (DTS) Provisions have permitted photoluminescent exit signs as an alternative to conventional illuminated exit signs. At that time, passive photoluminescent exit signs were common and required charging from an external light source. 

Since then, hybrid photoluminescent exit signs have been developed. These hybrid exit signs contain an internal light source that provides a photoluminescent charge. 

The NCC DTS Provisions don’t address all aspects of the installation and performance of hybrid photoluminescent signs and need to be modernised.

How were the changes developed?

These changes stem from a Proposal to Change the NCC we received from the Standards Australia technical committee LG-011 for electrotechnology and energy. This committee was responsible for the development of SA TS 5367:2021. 

Who has been involved?

We consulted with members of our peak technical committee, the Building Codes Committee and Standards Australia developed the changes to SA TS 5367:2021 through the Standards Australia technical committee LG-011.

What are the impacts?

These cost-effective changes will benefit industry by clearly recognising hybrid photoluminescent exit signs as a compliant option through the NCC DTS Provisions.

Want to provide feedback?

Responses to the Public Comment Draft are invited until 11:59 PM AEST Monday 1 July 2024.

In line with the ABCB's process for undertaking public consultation, comment will only be accepted through the ABCB's online Consultation Hub.

To access the Public Comment Draft and response form:

  1. Download the NCC volume(s) you wish to view and provide comment. You can also download the supporting information PDF for detailed information on the more significant/complex changes.
  2. Download the response form.

Once you’ve reviewed the draft, complete the response form, and include your feedback on the suggested changes to the NCC.

To submit your comments:

  1. Enter our Public Comment Draft consultation hub.
  2. Start by agreeing to the privacy statement.
  3. Let us know if you’d like your submission published publicly.
  4. Enter your contact details.
  5. Upload your completed form in .doc format (please make sure each file is under 25MB) and submit.